"A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world."

31 December, 2009

Defining the Decade

How do you put a label on 10 years, 3650 days, 87,600 minutes, 5,256,000 seconds? (Someone check my math.... im a history major for a reason =P)

I'm going to try.

In the "Big Plan" inside my head I'd do it in four parts, talking about the rise of the internet, global terrorism, biggest controversies, and sports. We'll see how much I get done, after all, I've still got to party like it's 2009 tonight....

Since I'm still waking up, and I want to bookend the darker, heavier topics with something a bit lighter, here are my top list of favorite YouTube videos, since how else would you rather celebrate the rise of the internet than with everybody's favorite viral hits? Check em out, and let me know what you think should be included:

C'mon, you know you love 'em!

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